Fine Featherheads

TINT Hair Chalk by Fine Featherheads is a temporary hair chalk that's easy to apply, works on all hair colors and washes out in the shower. Hair Chalking with No Commitment Necessary!
Fly Ties are soft and durable elastic bands, simply perfect for all of the Featherheads out there; the material will not tug or damage your hair or feathers in any way. Not only do they look adorable in your hair, but they look great on your wrist too! Fly Ties are on the cutting edge of where comfort meets style!

Pet Plumes are the newest Feather Trend for your Furry Friends. Pet Plumes come with five feathers, ranging from 2 - 5 inches, and are bonded at the tip. Pet Plumes are sold individually and are intended for animals.

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Expires 1/1/2014
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