
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

15 Reasons to Date a Single Dad

Just because he has kids, doesn't mean he can’t be “the one.”

Here are 15 reasons to date a single dad:
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1. The obvious: He likes kids. He’s good with them. There’s no guessing if he’ll be a good father; you KNOW that he is.
2. It’s easy to bless him: just lend a helping hand. (French-braiding a 6-year-old’s hair is tricky.)
3. He knows how to be patient, gentle, and encouraging.
4. He’s emotionally mature. Nothing helps someone “grow up” faster than a dependent child.
5. He understands his role as a leader and role model.
6. Dads are protective and create safe environments for their loved ones.
Glitter Words Comments Pictures7. You can observe how he loves and cares for others. (Which, by the way, is super-attractive.)
8. He can adapt. Even the most macho dads can be tenderhearted nurturers when the situation calls for it.

9. Single dads are handy. They can fix toys, tape hockey sticks, and build a mean LEGO tower.
10. He’s looking for a good woman, not just a hot one. He values character and commitment over shallower qualities.
11. He’s unselfish, having learned to put his youngsters first.
12. Single dads are playful and have a great sense of humor. Not to mention, they also know really cheesy family-friendly jokes.
Glitter Graphics Comments Pictures13. He takes the high road. Because of his kids, he still treats his ex and her family with respect.
14. He doesn't just introduce anyone to his kids. If you make the cut, he’s serious about the relationship.
15. If he doesn't have full custody, he likely has every other weekend free. Plan accordingly.


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