
Friday, March 21, 2014

Laugh of the Day ~ Sorry for throwing scissors at you


Author: Zachary
Age: 8
Brotherly love? "My son wrote this note as an apology when he was 8-years-old. My sons are all in their 20's now, and we had a good laugh when we found this in the garage last week," mom explained.
Sorry not sorry: There's just something about little boys and (non-)apologies, apparently.

Mom explained further stating that "Obviously we spoke to Zachary about not throwing scissors, having to write an apology note was only one small part of the discipline. This is his first draft which is hilarious now, but at the time unacceptable. He rewrote the note as well as completing many other disciplinary tasks. He was only 8, he was upset, and he threw the thing closest to him which unfortunately was a pair of scissors. It could have just as easily been a book or pillow. Ben was not stabbed or seriously injured, they just hit with a thud. Everyone is fine. They are all grown men and very close. This note was found 13 years after the fact and they had a big laugh."

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