
Friday, April 18, 2014

Paternal Dictionary ~~ New Meanings of Common Words

1. “Ice cream”

What it usually means: A delicious, frozen treat.
What it means to parents: An all powerful bribe that can be used to make your kids do something they don’t want to do.

2. “Errands”

What it usually means: A quick trip to the supermarket, dry cleaners, or post office.
What it means to parents: A nightmare you pray you can get through without your kid throwing an epic tantrum.

3. “Date night”

What it usually means: What you do on Friday night.
What it means to parents: What you do on Friday night…every other month after hiring a babysitter and writing out an extensive list of instructions.

4. “Seduction”

What it usually means: Candles, soft music, flowers…
What it means to parents: Taking the baby so your partner can nap, cleaning out the high chair, showering…

5. “Genie”

What it usually means: A magical spirit trapped in a bottle that grants wishes.
What it means to parents: A receptacle for diapers that, despite its promises, stinks up your whole house.

6. “Frozen”

What it usually means: When something is really, really cold.
What it means to parents: The movie with that song your kids WILL. NOT. STOP. SINGING.

7. “McDonald’s”

What it usually means: Where you get Big Macs, french fries, and other artery-clogging goodness.
What it means to parents: The place your kid catches a cold.

8. “Baseball”

What it usually means: America’s pastime. 
What it means to parents: An excuse for the parents of your kid’s teammates to act like complete psychopaths.

9. “Bedtime”

What it usually means: When you go to sleep.
What it means to parents: An elaborate routine that takes at least 20 minutes and includes supervising the brushing of teeth, reading a bedtime story, and telling your kid over and over to “Go to sleep!”

10. “Computer problems”

What it usually means: Your computer has a virus.
What it means to parents: Your computer has peanut butter between the keys.

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